A few months back Paul Aiken challenged everyone in the Cayman Islands Photography Club to recreate a movie poster. I was unfortunately unable to do so at the time but thought it was a great project for when I had some time.
Fast forward to Christmas 2009 and I had 4 days off which I spent a significant part expanding my Photoshop knowledge. One of the items that I produced is today's photo of Lee.
My inspiration came from the Dorian Gray Movie that was released 09.09.09:
I used two different patterns for the face, one can be found here:
http://madamgrief-stock.deviantart.com/art/Texture-10-90822803Strobist Information: Canon 5D Mark II, 85mm f/1.2L II, Inside Light at ISO 1600. No noise reduction...but lots of Photoshopping :-)